- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
manders JuniorRomance, fantasy, and mystery :] Name: Eliza
Age: 17
Hair: Dark brown with auburn highlights
Eyes: Deep blue
Skin: Warm tan
Style: skinny jeans, band tees, and converse [doesn't wear make up except chapstick]
Species: doesn't know yet
Personality: Kinda shy and to herself, sweet, but has a dark side -
manders Juniorplleeeaase
thisismyquiz Noviceokay i will. :)
should i be the guy? -
manders Junior[yay thank you :] yes please]
thisismyquiz Novice`kay:
Name: Robert 'Rob"
Hair: wavy dark brown hair
Eyes: grey-blue
skin: tan
style: casual/skater
personality: thoughtful, quiet, kind can be tough
p.s. he is muscular ;] -
manders Junior[ooh nice ;] lol]
I woke up on my aunts couch, my mom had made me and my little sister joana move here because my dads drinking issues -
thisismyquiz Novice(I'm the paperboy)
I hop on my bike, toss the newspapers on Bloom street as usual, then turn the corner and throw one. I'm surpried to see the pretty girl coming out to get it
[gtg sorry I'm going kayaking) -
thisismyquiz NoviceI'm back
manders JuniorI picked the paper up and realized Rob was looking at me..he was so cute, i smiled and blushed
thisismyquiz Novice"Uh, Hi", I grinned nervously.
manders Junior"hey" i said quitely looking at his gorgeous eyes "i'm Eliza" i smiled warmly
thisismyquiz Novice"I'm Rob. I haven't seen you around- are you new?"I smile, shaking Eliza's hand.
thisismyquiz Novice[helloo....?]
thisismyquiz Novicemanders...???????????????you there???????
manders JuniorI shook his lightly "yeah sorta, my aunt lives here and i'm staying with her, its nice to meet you Rob" i felt a pull to him, like a bee attracted to honey
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