give me a soap or i shoot
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: give me a soap or i shoot
me: "oh i never keep an human slave, i prefer animals " isay to them
Sis:"what why?" we both say at the same time again -
"Yeah why?"
me: "i just prefer animlas so choose"
sisi: wow i have to be an animal, at least for other gods i wouuld be human...... -
"Wolf, white" says Sola. "Urrrm Red Panda" says Isis.
Me: "ok"
sola:ht tp://
isis:ht tp://w
i turn to the others "how about you guys?"
Sisi "we dont know yet"i say speaking fofr the both of us -
"Wicked!" they say. -
(yup i know =D)
me: "good choice" i say and turn them
Caspian:ht tp://ww
Elora:ht tp://alpha-and-omega.spruz. com/gfile/75r4!-!HFIMLE!-!zrzor45!-!HPQENSHD-DGOG-HKDN-LDMK-HNEMOEKHSPFK!-!72y1nq/anime-wolf-wolves-10983899-600-695.jpg
Sisi: caspin: "how about another wolf?"
elora: "i want to be a red fox i guess" -
Our soap
"Awesome!" says Sola and Isis. -
Me: "now unfourtunatly i want a personal pet but only one , so wich one of you is up for the job?" i say "well the rest will do jobs i want one as a pet"
Sisi "i dont think me or her wants to be a pet" i say shaking my head -
"Why can't you have 2 pets?" asks Sola.
Me:"i just want one so wich one of you two?" i say but also tell the other two "now go get me some more meat my supplyy is running low"
sisi: "we run out put instead go to a lake to see if wolfs and foxs could fish. -
"Let us talk" says Isis.
Me: "fine" i say and sit down
Sisi: so far we only caught one fish but we still go on trying
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