Still cryin
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: Still cryin
Tortura NewbieYes I'm listening to Lexi's song that I wrote for her. I made a video of me singing It and I just keep playing it over and over again.
Tortura NewbieDamn it I'm crying now :'(
aww im sorry to hear that dude
Tortura NewbieHi skatter :'(
its okay dude.. why dont you try listening to something else?
Tortura NewbieI dont want to change it....tonight is the last time I'm going to ever hear it cuz I'm going to burn the sheet i wrote it on and erase the video so I'm just going to listen to it while I can.
aww.. thats sad and sweet.. enjoy it while its here dude.. you want to be alone?
Tortura NewbieYes alone on my thread...
Shadow 98 NewbieYou alright?
Tortura NewbieOkay Al you messed up and have no way to fix it
But thongs can always be fixed
No that can't
So what are you going to do?
I'm just going to stay alone forever
Yes it would make people happy so I guess you will be my friend
Uhh no I'm only a figure of your imagination
So your not going to be my friend? :(
Fine I will
Okay :) -
Tortura NewbieI completely meant things not thongs
Sure you did
I did
Okay -
Shadow 98 NewbieUh..
show of hands.. who think tortura has lost his mind?
Shadow 98 Newbie*Raises hand*
Tortura NewbieHow long has it been since we've last talked Al?
I don't know a few weeks
Yeah that sounds about right
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