Still cryin
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: Still cryin
*rases hand* this might be funny is i knew tortura wasnt crying right now
Tortura NewbieSo what you been up to Al?
Not much trying to make everybody think I'm good when I'm not
I see what you mean
You're my only true friend you know that?
Yeah -
Shadow 98 Newbie*Slowly leaves*
Tortura NewbieWell Al you usually only talk to me when you have problems so what's wrong?
Well I miss Lexi now more then ever I f---ed things up with two people that I care a lot about what do you think is wrong?
Oh -
Tortura NewbieSo how are you going to help me this time?
Well Al I got nothing
Yeah you should probably take your problems to real people
But most of them hate me and the others if I tell them then they will hate me
No they won't
Yes they will :( -
oh wait.... alex...
Tortura NewbieLook see she might not hate you if you tell her Al
Yes she will
No she won't
Yes she will cuz nobody like it when I tell them how I feel
She might be different
No she isn't people are all the same -
Tortura NewbieSee what she told me on the other thread? :'(
Told you she would hate me and I didn't even say how I feel *Cries again* -
Tortura NewbieAl I know what you're thinking and don't do it
Why not?
Cuz like you said things get better
No they don't things get worse I only told people that lie so it would cheer them up
Oh -
I don't know if this is a second account or not, and I don't know who you are, but if you are who I think you are, then my heart would break into thousands of pieces that would never heal of you left.
Tortura NewbieAl she cares see
No she doent she's one of the peole that hate me
It doesn't seem like she hates you
Well then maybe she's just pretending -
If that's you, I care. I care so much. I wouldn't be able to live if you left. You're the one who helped me.
tortura are you okay?.. your kinda scary right now
Tortura NewbieShe cares Al
No she doesnt
Stop lying to your self
Shut up
I'm leVing now
No buts bye
Bye -
No, don't go! Please! I can't let you leave. You mean everything to me.
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