- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: Soap?
Samantha2332 NoviceSure
Samantha2332 NoviceIdc whatevers your favorite
tori109 NoviceHey! Can i join?
tori109 NoviceWats it about?
Samantha2332 NoviceHow bout a love triangle, both girls different in every way (can I be a girl) the guy slowly starts to fall for both girls, but cant choose. Dont know about the fantasy part
tori109 NoviceI'll be da guy!
Samantha2332 NoviceNo, it can be, I just couldnt think of that part
tori109 NoviceCharries?
tori109 NoviceName : Eric
Age : 17
Looks : short brown hair, muscular, tannish, pine green eyes
Personaliy : funny, can be a jerk sometimes, caring, nice
Style : jeans t shirts -
Samantha2332 NoviceName: Shelby
Age: 17
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: brown, curly, past shoulder length
Height: 5'6 -
tori109 Novice(Tall too!) Athletic also
tori109 NoviceNot it!
Samantha2332 NoviceDuring summer or school?
tori109 NoviceSummer... i guess
How about we live in L.A. and i can surf... -
tori109 NoviceLike the l.a. idea, i can surf....
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