*head explodes*
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: *head explodes*
Mitch: Alice, what the heck happened now?
Mii: She had ache. In head. She say no feering werr.
Mitch: Exaggerator.. No mames, Alicia.
Mii: ;-; She broke..
Mitch: I'm not paying to fix her...
Ey! D:< You guys are terrible.
Mitch: Tubo, tubo, oh ah! Tubo, tubo, chica sexy!
=_=' Don't even start with the song...
Mii: Y ra chica se mueve sexy!
UHG IT'S IN MY HEAD. *explodes again*
Mitch: Mission accomplished. :P -
Mii: What do now? She broken.
Mitch: *shrugs* Eh.
Mii: Why is that you always rike this? >>
Mitch: Because my head hurts too, wuey.
Mii: Hai, whatever..
Mitch: Now she's being silly..
Mii: Best if fix her.. -
:0 Just your luck! Here comes Matt with a wrench in his (wait for it!) right hand~!
Matt: Now what am I fixing here?
.3. -
Mii: *point* Fix Arice.
Mitch: Now this is just ridiculous you guys.. -
Heather:*throws popcorn at Alice*Snap out of it.
Mii: >> Arice, if wake up, I'rr make rove to you.
Mitch: .... xD Okay then.. -
Matt: With my trusty wrench? Okay... *bonks Alice on the head*
>:o No, no, no! You'll just break her more, you nitwit! That's why you're Number Three. You're so caught up in that little video game world of yours you don't stop to think!
Matt: .-. *taps Alice on the shoulder* She thinks I can't fix you... -
Ouch! D: Why you do that for?
You can, but not that way bro..
Mii: That's not herping, Matt person. ._.
Mitch: .. lol.. herp.. -
Matt: ;3; I don't know then! Um... Alana, you do something!
._. -
Mii: Rook what did! >> Broke both of them.
Mitch: Once again, not paying for them. -
Matt: Ah! I don't know how to fix anything but Xboxes and Gameboys! Dx
Mello: Mattie, you're so damn stupid sometimes. *slaps Alana and Alice*
;o; Owie....
Mello: >_> There you go. All fixed. -
;3; Why you hit muah? Don't make muah go mafia on you. >:o
Mii: You fixed! :D
Mitch: Hurray. -
AZY Juniori love that song alice x3
Mello: I fixed you. Be thankful. -_-"
Matt: ;3; Useless old me...
Me: :3 At least we're fixed...? >.< Ouchies. I'm gonna have a bruise tomorrow. -
@Azy Omg yesh! Someone that knows the song. xD
Jeesh, fine then Mr. Angry Pants.
Mii: ;o; Matt, no feer that way! Prease..
Mitch: I'll get some medicine for your.. injury.
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