Give me soap or give me death!
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: Give me soap or give me death!
Name: Isis
Age: 14
Belief: Hope
Name: Virgo
Age: 17
Belief: Hope
Other: Follows Isis, close friends, though neither are related. -
Sorry it took me so long, couldn't find the pic of Virgo I wanted.
The Geek NoviceShe asked for soap or death
I do not like soap
so I gave her death -
Let's ignore Geek.
Ahead of you on that one.@Ed
Not it. -
Not it.
Blehf I'll start.
Pheonix jumped off a building landing on a balcony Pheonix infilrtated a den of Hope believers kicking down the door he brandished his pistols. He ran inside.. -
Isis was fast asleep at her house, a book on her face.
Virgo stood outside her bedroom door, sighing. She'd give the lazy girl 10 more minutes, then they had to get going. If they stayed in one place too long, bad things were bound to happen. -
I sat at the top of a building. I'd figured out how to get up here with the fire escapes. This was my... tenth day here? I retreated here every night after unsuccessfully finding somewhere permanent to live.
Pheonix opened fire blowing apart the walls. (Pistols have rapid fire cause he's a badass like that)
Virgo walked into the younger's room, waking her.
The two quickly left, and noticed commotion a few blocks over.
Virgo insisted on going the opposite way, but Isis finally convinced her they could get to another town faster if they skirted around all the commotion. So they started walking down the street. -
I jumped, hearing gunfire. I'd have to leave soon. I stood up, running across the roof toward the fire escape.
"Grrr wasted ammo. Come out and fight fools! I'm bored."
Virgo blinked at they passed the building.
"We should check it out."Said Isis simply, her snow white skin making her head even bluer looking in the sunlight.
Virgo sighed, when Isis set her mind to something she wouldn't back down.
Isis walked inside, Virgo pulling out her gun and staying on her heels.
"Scardy cat."Isis joked.
Virgo shook her head, ignoring the younger's comment. -
I started down the fire escape, sneaking toward the building. I'd just get a quick look...
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