Soap Opera Time!!!!!!!!
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 8, '16 3:54am
Thread Topic: Soap Opera Time!!!!!!!!
"Geez okay..." Vegeta mumbled. ~ Goku sat down on the red earth. It started to sprinkle softly. The drops of water moistened the ground.
"Hmm, whoever it was, they didn't win so who the f--- cares right?" Kali said, the seaweed turning into ashes
"So...what are you going to do now?" Kenneth asked Goku. -
"Yeah..." Vegeta said, completely forgetting about Goku ~ "I honestly don't know..." Goku said as it started to rain a bit more.
"Do you want me to leave you alone or find Vegeta?" Kenneth asked
"Hmmm, I wonder what Kenneth is up to, he stole 5 of my books.." Kali thought out loud.."Oops that most certainly was out loud..." Kali said. -
f--- =)
"Let's go with Vegeta..." Goku muttered. ~ "Kenneth can preform magic/spells?" Vegeta asked.
"Uh technically no but in times of desperation he should be able to, But he probably got charmed by hanging around me and Nora too much." Kali answered
"Alright then." Kenneth crouched and was engulfed in flames and dimmed away, showing up in between Kali and Vegeta, "How the...did you....yeah you did.." Kali said, pointing to the book bag.
Goku teleported in front of the three. Ahhg...
"Okay how the fuking hell did you.." before Kali could finish the sentence, Kenneth hugged her and explained everything and they both left Goku and Vegeta alone.
Vegeta looked at Goku and Goku looked at Vegeta, the two unable to speak. Awkwardness, I tell you... Vegeta thought.
"You're right, the spells are too damn easy." Kali said, "Even a mortal could probably so them." "They were actually designed for mortals Kali, you're 1/6 human right? That's why you could." Kenneth said.
Goku sighed. "Hi 'Getah" he said. "Hi Kaka" Vegeta said.
Kali and Kenneth didn't feel like evesdropping so they just sat there playing Mancala.
"Umm... this isn't too..." Vegeta started, but was cut off when Goku smacked his lips with Vegeta's
Kenneth saw what happened, and looked at Kali, "should we.." "What?" "You know.." "You're kidding me right?" "Yup." Kenneth said.
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