Soap Opera Time!!!!!!!!
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 8, '16 3:54am
Thread Topic: Soap Opera Time!!!!!!!!
"Mr. Cell dude, what exactly is going on?" asked Kenneth with his arms folded, him and Kali looked suspicious while Nora fiddled with her fingers.
"I'm Dr. Gero's last android. I'm programed to kill all life" he said.
"GOKUUUUUUUUUUUU OHHHHHH SH11111T" Nora yelled while jumping, Kali's face was frozen in a weird position (her face was like this --> O.e), Kenneth was legitimately freaked out, "Why?" Kali finally asked, now looking stern and serious
"Just because I was programmed to. I actually listen to orders, unlike #13 And 14"
"Order this" Kali said blankly while throwing a knife at Cell
The knife hit him, and that was about it. "Fool. I'm made from the cells of Vegeta, Goku, Amy Kakarot, and Tarble. I'm almost the strongest in the universe. I still Need to absorb #13"
Kali, Nora, and Kenneth huddled and talked to each other in a hushed voice in a weird forgotten language, looking for a solution.
Cell's tail thrashed around violently. Goku charged a blast in case Cell would want to attack any of them.
the three were still talking, then the huddle broke, Kali asked Cell, "Who exactly is this Dr. Gero?"
"Dr. Gero is the master mind behind the Red Ribbon Army. I was Also programmed to kill Goku because he was the one who destroyed the army. Do you know where he is?"
in unison, the three of them said "NO" rapidly,
Cell looked at them and Goku suspiciously.
the three smiled awkwardly and continued to shake their heads, "Who's goku anyways?" "Nope, no goku here" "What's a goku?" they were saying
"No idea who Goku is..." Goku muttered.
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