anyone on?
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:17pm
Thread Topic: anyone on?
kr: i really don't feel like creating an account on any sites tonight. i just don't feel like it... but God i love fashion and that site!
tyrese: no! D:
@Kiki Can you make one tomorrow?
kr: maybe if i remember.
O -
It was last Tuesday.
crap. Let me finish the stupid essay first. -
@Ty What you doing?
O -
tyrese: m.e.o.w.
for Sel:
*SLAMS HANDS ON PIANO TO GET ATTENTION OF SOPRANOS* ALRIGHT CALM YO TITS (substitute: CALM THE HELL DOWN) People, first of all, you'll do fine, you've been in Choir longer than I have and you're freaking out more than I am! You know your material right? You can sing? Hell yes you can, I listen to it all the time, you guys are fantastic! So stop worrying about bombing it or you really WILL screw up, positive thoughts will make for a positive experience if you're really that worried then use the energy you're using to panic to practice some more, So what do you say? -
tyrese: okie?
Thank you Ting. Very inspirational. :D
@Ty O.O Uh.
Globes tell me where McDonalds is :d
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