Hey Shades~
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:17pm
Thread Topic: Hey Shades~
She looked out from the bush and saw him, surprised and enchanted. "Hello?" She called out.
seth heard and noise and looked around and then through a bush saw a girl staring at him and said "hi there......"
"Um..I don't know where I am.."
seth slowly walks towards the girl rubbing his eyes in disbelief and says "sadly me either"
"Really? Wow.." She looked around. "Nothing looks familiar. Same thing happened to you?"
seth nods and says "i seem to have fallen asleep in that tree and fallen down now i have no idea where i even am"
"I fell asleep in this pile of leaves." She sat up and ran her hands through her strawberry blonde hair.
Seth smiles and leans closer and pulls an orange leave from her hair and says "you missed one"
She chuckled and blushed softly. "Oh, thanks."
Seth smiles and says "no problem now let me help you up" reaches hand out and grabs hers and helps her up
"Thank you. My name's Victoria."
Seth smiles and says "i like your name mines Seth"
"Hi, I like your name too." She smiled.
Seth smiled and blushed and said "thank you"
"I wonder, I don't remember hardly anything before now."
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