No Subject
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:17pm
Thread Topic: No Subject
gl: better hope you didnt scratch it
takos: i didnt know you left gtq for awhile -
Paris: Ppl on here keep getting me pissed and I have volleyball practice and games, I wont even be on, on the weekends :/
Gl: Im leaving GTQ -.- but im not sure how long :/ -
@takos oh...okay
*pokes kyle* -
kyle87 Newbiepokes gl back
:O you poked me! *pokes kyle*
kyle87 Newbieyou poked me *pokes gl*
*pokes self*
okay children enough of the poking! its getting on my nerves
Yeah this was my last night, and I gotta leave now, :/ Bye, See you guys... whenever I get back on! i guess...
kyle87 Newbieparis really
bye takos!
*stares at cg* oh really? -
kyle87 Newbiebi bi takos
bye takos *hugs* see ya whenever!
gl: yes really
kyle: how come you didnt say hi to me? -
bai takos!
yeah really kyle. -
@cg i just realized you to you pic down!
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