- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:17pm
Thread Topic: hello
kyle87 Newbieok gl
kay gl
@kyle: ohh cool -
kyle87 Newbieu said they like me fufe
yo yo
kyle87 Newbiei mean who
kyle87 Newbiehey cg and luv98
hi cg!
hi luv!
*hugs both*
@kyle: what you mean what lola said -
sup kyle?
hi kyle (is it ok if i call u tht?) hui crazy girl and fefe
kyle87 Newbiefufe ya
*hugs fefe back*
luv: call me cg or jenn, i hate to be called crazy girl
*hugs fufe* sup? -
kyle87 Newbieluv98 its alright what can i call u
@luv and cg: whats up
@kyle: oh she said it was gl....
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