- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:17pm
Thread Topic: hey
SHOOT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOW! ANDY MANDERS HONEYBEE! SEND ME TO MY OWN WORLD!!!!!!!!!! the drama is too much for me!!!!
still raining. wow *hides face in amandas stomach* for some reason my ex gf liked this lol
Ugh. fine. *shoots self*
manders Novicelmao yes its still raining and how do you hide your face in a persons stomach? theres no fat there lol *runs fingers through andys hair* *smiles*
i just put my face and pretend
honeybee247 Newbiewhere are you guys is it really raining?
manders Noviceok lol *lays down on futon*
@hb its not raining not here
i'm leaving.
honeybee247 Newbieoh duh!
honeybee247 Newbieit is so boring and dull where i am. and if you wonder it's in my house.
no one cares.....
honeybee247 NewbieWELL....
im still not done with my hw!
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