Guess who I'M seeing tonigh!!??
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:17pm
Thread Topic: Guess who I'M seeing tonigh!!??
hey lil btw i like your pic too my pic is theduck from the duck song
me too??
omg me too theyre one of my fav fav is a koala
Hey Vik are you still here I need to ask you something VERY IMPORTANT LIKE SUPER SUPER IMPORTANT!!!!!
My fav animals are bunnies and baby ducks! :D :D :D
ugh...always being ignored
I'm not ignoring yew! :O
im not ignorin u mike!!! can i call u mike???
yeah sure flibbs!!!:D are you a girl or a boy? and age?
im a girl 11
I'm a unisex
coolz! ive never talked to a person younger tha me on gtq
y how old r u mike
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