How about now?
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:16pm
Thread Topic: How about now?
Ren pretended not to care what the assassins did, but Sulfur could see her inch closer.
The Elder laughed wheezily.
"What's so funny? You made us orphan a young girl!" she growled.
"She doesn't exactly love staying with us, you know."
The Elder stopped laughing immediately.
"What do you mean 'staying with you'?" he snapped. -
This was a bad time for James to come over, which he did. I elbowed him and he kicked me. I stood up and pretended to push him off the building. But I grabbed his shirt and pulled him back. It didn't stop him from a squeak escaping his mouth.
The Elder glared at the assassins.
"What was that?" he demanded, referring to James' squeal of fear. His eyes were cold and piercing. -
Home gurl NoviceI looked at james then at gemma...
"Uh, some person down on the ground..?" I said. "I'll go check."
I walked over to James and grabbed him by his shirt. "If you say anything, you are so dead," I whispered. -
Home gurl NoviceI glanced at the elder.
Sulfur glanced back at the Elder.
"And what was this about keeping the child with you?" he demanded.
"Yes. We kept her with us." Sulfur answered confidently.
"You know the regulations! You are not to keep the company of anyone besides other agents of Eathes! I could have you sentenced to disciplinary confinement for this!" the Elder burst out.
"Yes.. you breached our expectations, and we breached yours. Now we're even." Sulfur was sure she had never smiled a more wicked smile. The Elder drew back from the camera in his communicator a bit, glancing away from her face. -
I came back and sat down again. "It was a dog. It almost got hit by a car."
(Poor James.)
(I know... I feel so guilty... *shamed*)
(Poor, poor James... oh, and Train loves you.)
Home gurl NoviceI looked at sulfurs wicked face... Dang thats wicked and scary i thought
(Now he's a dog.)
The Elder seemed speechless. He moved his lips, but no sound escaped. Finally, his face bright red, he found words.
"Fine. Fair is fair. I sent you to kill the father of a young child, and you kept the child. We're even." he decided. He frowned. He didn't like losing. And Sulfur still had her wicked smile fixed on him. He squirmed uncomfortably under her gaze. -
I stared at Sulfur... she could give Chuckie the Dummy nightmares with that smile. -
(Are you still a kitten?)
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