- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:16pm
Thread Topic: hey
manders Novicehey everyone :)
Hello. :)
manders Novicehow are you? *hugs*
*hugs* Good. You?
manders Novicehey cg *tackles* XD how iz you?
*is tackled* im good, i feel like pushing my friend down a well, you?
manders Noviceoh ok, what'd they do? , eh i'm alive :)
well, i dont know what the did.....but im just bored
manders NoviceOH OK :) OOPS caps lock was on
*tackles takos* sup?
manders Noviceoh ello takos XD *hug tackles* long time no see , how are you?
*is tackled* Hey Cg! Nm jus eatin breakfast :) hbu?
Mandeh! *is hug tackled* Im Good! *hugs* hbu? -
takos: nothing *pushes a friend down a well*
*tackles manders*
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