Chat with me!!!
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:16pm
Thread Topic: Chat with me!!!
I'm here! Is anyone here beside me? :33333
Hi lil and britt
Hey RS.
hey lil -
We already said our hi peeeoppppleee.
So what's up? -
I made a quiz. Guess what the topic is...
I'm for sure not going to take it xD wow you're bar is getting green *cough* noob *cough*
Not in the guessing mood?
I already clicked on your name boob XP
Lil- yeah, no surprise. xD I'm aiming for 10 takes and then I'll happy. 1/5 of the way there. I'm such a noob. xD
What's the highest amount of people that have ever taken your quiz?
42 people. Hell yeah!
RS? -
LMAO 42? Lemme guess, potty quiz? xD for me it's like 12,829. But it's not linked to my account >.< I'm not saying the quiz though shshssh
Nope. My crapiest first quiz I ever made.
12,829? Is it a 7 dirty minutes quiz?
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