Well, I just had a disturbing and detailed GTQ dream.
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:16pm
Thread Topic: Well, I just had a disturbing and detailed GTQ dream.
Last night, actually. :P
Well, I was staying the night at this hotel place, and I met Heph and Hat there. During the night, it started raining like hell, and then flooding. Alot. So we woke up and started running downstairs, but the stairs were covered in water. So then we all turned around and took the elevator to the top floor (No idea how the elevator was still working). We found Brit and 1996 there as well, and apparently the top floor of the hotel was some bookstore. :/
Anyway, the water started making the hotel kind of...start falling apart, so we started freaking out.
Then, Brit saw some books floating around outside, and got this BRIGHT IDEA to have all of us jump into a bookshelf and then jump out the window, in hopes that the bookshelf would float, I guess.
Whaddya know? It worked (But please never try it at home xD).
So we just floated around in the bookshelf for a long time, and then fell asleep. When we woke up, we were out in the ocean.
While we were grabbing fish to eat for breakfast (raw sushi! xP) this giant metal boat came, and some ninja-looking guys captured us and took us aboard the ship, which was apparently owned by this snobby princess person who was obsessed by fluffy pink stuff, who forced us to constantly dance and make music videos (:P) if we stopped for a period of time longer than 5 seconds, we burst into flames (xD).
After a few hours, the ship landed on the shore of Kansas City (Which is only possible in my dreams, as Kansas has no coast, it's in the middle of America. yes, I live in Kansas). Anyway, us GTQers and all the princess's other slaves started marching off the ship. While we were marching, an evil-looking guy with a squirrel on his shoulder grabbed us and dragged us over to this abandoned shed type thing, and locked us in there.
I can't remember how, but somehow we figured out that the squirrel was actually Jeffrey Dahmer reincarnated as a squirrel. So then Heph freaked out and started screaming, "NOOO, I DON'T WANNA BE EATEN BY A SQUIRREL!!!" so Brit walked over to her and said, "Don't worry, jeffrey Dahmer was gay. All his victims are male." thennn he realized that he was the only male in our little group, and got a really hilarious look on his face. x)
Then I woke up. :P
Poor us, we got killed by Jeffrey Dahmer Squirrel. D: -
O.o ROFL!!!
....... Leave it to britt to come To with such an idea
LOL. YAy! I was in nakita's dream :P
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