- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:16pm
Thread Topic: look!
TrollYouSoHard NewbiexD Annoying teachers, teaching you such stuff xD
What do they do to you?? D:
xD -
Uh, be my mother, my aunts, my mom's friends...
Then there are the teachers who aren't related to me. -
TrollYouSoHard NewbieWow.... I can't stand teachers....
Do they always tell you what to do? -
Well, like parents, yeah. Just because they're teachers doesnt mean they're devoted to their job.
TrollYouSoHard Newbie...Hmm true. But doesn't it kind of weird you out? xD
Teachers for parents... -
No. Not at all. I mean, I've had mom as a sub in my class a few times but I ignore her. I honestly have never found I weird.
TrollYouSoHard NewbieWow... Enough talk about this...school stuff xD
What's real life like? -
Don't ask me. You'd know better than I would most likely.
TrollYouSoHard NewbieHmm, So Have you ever seen New York before?
Do pictures count?
TrollYouSoHard NewbieAhahaha xD
Well, I'll tell you this. When I was fourteen I was coming back from the drug store and I saw this man.... He walked towards me and I seriously knew he was going to try and mugg me before my Brothers stepped out xD
But, hey, New York isn't scary, just....yeah xD ._.
Lol The lights at night are simply amazing :) xD -
I don't expect it to be scary or anything. I really want to go, though....
TrollYouSoHard Newbie..I really want to visit California again...
Eh, New York is Good and you'd probably like it...
Do your parents want to go? -
Maybe. It depends.
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