Seeing Stars Nobody Else Sees
Thread Topic: Seeing Stars Nobody Else Sees
Disney UR done ur cooked what were u thinking with snow white
why do Racheal zeigler and gal Gadot barely look each other in the eyes they just pretend they don't exist and they aren't even like besties like you would expect them to be-
I'm going to fix snow white starting with casting and costumes guys
You know what’s crazy? They had people with actual dwarfism audition for Snow White who wanted to do it, but the director said “No, let’s do God awful CGI instead for a ‘live action’ movie” -_-
bu gal Gadot is staying womp womp
ah didn't see ur post that's crazzyyy and it backfired and became 2 times as offensive.
me going nooo Astrid don't do that when I literally pulled the strings for her to think that way and make that choice lol
oh great now I'm the b---- because I'm explaining why tracing is bad-
so i saw a play wigth my mom and aunts and once again i cried because of anxiety and the theatre also makes me so anxious i also hate hanging out with them because they dont pay attention to me and i always look stupid but the really bad thing is not only were they acting like i wasnt even there the play was about four sisters [little women] and wowwww four sisters and then me AND my mom said shed take me with HER not everyone else and i really hate impostor syndrome and not fitting in i miss the kinemaster community but when i left someone called me a monster and idk im jus rally insecure rn
they also walk too fast for me and they're always walking together while I'm just behind because the hallways can never fit all 5 of us so I'm always behind and forgotten about and its always this way I just want to disappear and speaking of which two kids, a 2 year old and a 3 year old were kidnapped and I love kids so it makes this whole thing 10 times as worse.
oh my God they're okay I'm crying so hard rn
i got that amber alert too. glad they're ok <3
yeah no this guy was definitely going to oof those kids because of where he was when they found them the truck was in a damn CANYON and they found them somewhere ELSE he also supposedly committed arson and oofed his wife (they were his biological kids)
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