A Stranger I Remain
Thread Topic: A Stranger I Remain
I hate calling my insurance place...
So, apparently I owe 210 for therapy, but they're going to send the claims back to the claims department to see if they can get adjusted since the other ones were paid off and nothing with the billing changed. I hope things actually work out because getting hit with a bill like that was not on my bingo cards right before my therapy appointments I had scheduled.
My appointments got canceled because of this.
This is going to suck, isn't it?
Wow. So, it was the therapy company's fault.
Basically, the way they filed the claim, they didn't mention a diagnosis or means of treatment, so it sounds like I just wasted insurances coverage, so they billed me instead.
And this has been happening quite a few times. Insurance says i wasn't supposed to be billed anything, so I hope they pay me back for this...
Now what should I do?
Have a stomachache, apparently.
I have the urge to buy something. What do I do?
I'm so bad with money...
I buy things when I'm bored, stressed, manic, or anxious.
I really shouldn't be buying anything right now...
I don't know what to buy anyway...except another journal...
I just keep buying journals. I have two more on the way already. But I really want the Sephiroth one.
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