Death At Your Fingertips
Thread Topic: Death At Your Fingertips
And i stayed up for him just so we could hang out after he got off work last night...
Am I an idiot? Because he sure acts like I am.
And I'm going to lose it if he tries to chalk it up as me being clingy when he literally initiated this and kept me waiting. You're not Solid Snake, bro. You can't just do that and expect everything to be cool.
You're really testing my patience and I don't like it. You're actually being a trash friend right now.
Why am I still nice to you?
I should actually just leave you on read because the heck is this?
Damn liar.
Yeah. Just play fortnite. It's fine.
I can't believe you. -
I feel so stupid. I need better friends.
I don't everything for you and you do nothing for me. I'm just a person you want to talk to. I'm just a cute face you wanna date. I will never date you, and this is exactly why.
You don't know how to treat people. You're there when you wanna be, but when something else is offered to you, you drop everything you're doing and run off to do that instead.
What do we call people who do that?
Immature flakers, for one.
I like how you think you're being mature by apologizing. Apologizing doesn't fix it. You actually need to stop.
But, of course, now you're too busy playing Fortnite to answer my message and own up.
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