Death At Your Fingertips
Thread Topic: Death At Your Fingertips
I just don't feel like getting up to eat, but I'm hungry, so I will.
I ate my food and took my medicine. Taking my medicine is really hard in the mornings because I have one that tastes really bad and gets stuck in my mouth for hours.
I'm bored.
I keep getting distracted.
I might just go back to sleep if I get any border.
well done on taking your medicine
Thank you.
My stomach hurts.
Watch this.
I really wanted a cool picture for this.
Maybe this one?
Doesn't come out well.
Big sigh.
Mildly infuriating. You told me we'd hang out. We were in a call last night and you ditched me to play Fortnite with your friends. You played until 5am, woke up late, and now playing Fortnite again and just disregarded that we were supposed to hang out today before you went to work.
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