Im hungry as s---, its Friday and want to treat myself
Thread Topic: Im hungry as s---, its Friday and want to treat myself
Can’t decide
[poll.F1w] -
I only say Burger King because the body once recieved raw nuggets. They were indeed filled with a grey substance that was shredded. Supposed chicken(?)
Chicken is gud
Also, Burger King>Mcdonalds, but I get McDonalds more often because I mostly always crave their frappes, that’s the only place they beat Burger King at, but if they didn’t have that and I only was able to choose which burger and fries to get from, BK all day -
get that plate from panda express, s--- really fills you up vs the same $10 you'd spend for a combo that may or may not fill you up
Dawg I wish a combo was 10 bucks still, but honestly you’re right, forgot Panda Express is way cheaper for more food.
and good quality food for the price lol
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