-+heart shaped box+-
Thread Topic: -+heart shaped box+-
I wonder why they made me the main vocalist instead of our bassist she’s so much better imo
My skin is doing very bad lately. Probably because of the amount of makeup I had to wear for the performances
My turn to do songwriting duty but im not a lyrical genius and I have no prompt
The washing machine gotta stop squeaking
Saw the poll on my account and started missing everyone
Song writing is cool! I only do midi music on YouTube, but an actual band is something I've always wanted to do. I just don't think I'm a good enough vocalist.
♡That's so cool that you have a band!♡ -
Wait what’s your YouTube
Lmao yea the band is pretty chill it takes up a lot of my time and this time they actually want me to write something
I perform with them in clubs and bars and stuff -
I’m a trash main vocalist don’t worry 😭😭😭😭
You give me that late night high igh
(Wtf am I drafting) -
I have to make a new one for my original songs. I usually just post videogame remixes of music. I'm kinda shy to post my original songs without the lyrics. It feels lacking.
My YouTube is Z3R0D4RK30, though
I get what you mean, lyrics are so painful to write though. I end up cringing out whenever I write and not showing anyone them
I’ll look at your YouTube after I go to band practice
Have you ever performed -
No. I don't have friends to get into a band with.
Oh im sorry
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