the key to life on earth
Thread Topic: the key to life on earth
B // any pronouns // 24
Just me s--- postin n s--- when i cant sleep
y'all dont mind me
You can come in if you want but I'm kinda a hermit -
If anyone cares to know, things did not turn out how i planned
So much happened this year
Had my first foster dog. Cat died. Left the job i loved. Got married????? Moved???? leaving another job now and taking a position i dont really want, but it pays decent. I'll be out of Florida within the next two years, thank the gods.
I'm just coasting for now -
Idk what the biggest twist was, getting married or getting sober?
Anyways he's very good to me and loves my dog
I'm writing again. And reading -
Life doesn't feel real and I'm still struggling with my mental health but I've got hopes and dreams again
I still don't know where I'm going but i want things
I want more than survival -
Oh and declan still eats
Listen to british bombs my god please im gonna break my neck in the shower -
Getting so tired of being ill every f---ing week man
So glad this is my last day
Will miss my coworkers though. For the most part. Lol. There's a couple i wont mind not being around -
I will say, working in a human daycare, i am appalled by the way both the teachers and some parents handle the children... especially the ones under 5... like bro it's so disheartening
We have one teacher who belittles them for crying and tells them they cant cry unless they're physically hurt. Like bro stop f---ing up their emotional regulation. There's NOTHING wrong with crying! It's developmentally appropriate and HEALTHYYYY
One child kept hitting others in the face and then the mom was talking abt how she "pops" the LITERAL TODDLER in the mouth when she's yelling or whatever.
Wonder why she thinks its okay to hit kids in the face 🙄
s--- is depressing for real. Kids deserve kindness and patience. -
But it's not abuse and i can do nothing but feel
I hate it here.
Last day last day last day -
From my last day to my first day
I hate being new lol but at least its what i love -
And I'm fully moved in now. Enjoying our little honeymoon period before my spouse's buddy gets back from deployment and moves in with us
It'll be different but better -
Things will never be the same again but it's a good thing
There's more to life than suffering -
So scared and so optimistic at the same time
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