the key to life on earth
Thread Topic: the key to life on earth
So they won't be renewing passports of folks who are non-binary, or if their gender doesn't match on all documents.
Which is like 1 of 100 scary things that have been implemented in the past six days. I am getting to the point where keeping up with the news is taking a toll on my mental health, but when watching is about all you can do, I feel like I have to. -
The medicine I'm taking is giving me killer headachess
Why are weddings so expensive!!!!!! What the hell
I'm about to be cooking all the food myself 😂 what do you meaaaan 50k average
Interviews are so stressful. Two tomorrow..
It's not that I don't like the job I have. I just want something better. -
I had a panic attack over going to a new restaurant and my lovely partner insisted on taking me home, stopping to get a safe food along the way, still went and enjoyed himself without making me feel bad for not going... Even though up until halfway through the drive i kept telling him I WANTED to go..
He is so incredibly good to me. Woke me up from the couch when he got home and tucked me and our dog into bed together. Today we went to one of our favorite restaurants as a make-up date.
I am so lucky to have someone who cares so much about me and is so patient. I want to be as good to him as he is to me -
He bakes us cookies and he loves dogs and nature and he's so settled into himself and his friends are lovely and he's so kind and thoughtful and he tries so hard and cares so much
I don't know what I did to deserve a love like this but I'm so happy I get to do life with him. It is so much less bland and lonely -
If you find yourself at the end times with a sapling in your hand, finish planting it.
I know that saying has religious roots but I find it incredibly comforting and meaningful in a different light
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