first forum on this profile
Thread Topic: first forum on this profile
gonna use this until I can post pictures/links. feel free to chat with me in here idrc lol
but yeah i did decide a new profile. did the same on probably also gonna do that on reddit. we'll see
probably just gonna do an actual intro when i can do links and pictures too
i don't really remember what level I need to get to in order to do that but i'll figure it out soon enough lol
Gonna go listen to some slipknot now
i don't really remember what level I need to get to in order to do that but i'll figure it out soon enough lol
Junior. -
Aight, thanks
oh slay u did make a new one
yup, that I did
i'm gonna try to grind gtq to get back to junior level
like the new acc name :)
thanks, it's based on my username on most/all other platforms i have
I've been grinding taking quizzes, how haven't i gone up to novice yet T_T
you prolly gotta make some too
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