first forum on this profile
Thread Topic: first forum on this profile
its not drug abuse if its yummy /j don't abuse drugs peeps (caffiene is classified as a drug)
but all seriousness taken away we love caffiene frfr
i want a monster rn but i can't cuz i don't have a car to drive to the dollar general
yeah don't abuse drugs, don't use stuff that's super illegal like meth and do everything legal in moderation (alcohol, caffeine, weed even in some places)
moderation is key my dudes
stay safe out there -
ANYWAYS any plans 4 today? the holidays are soooo busy for me-
just school today, will celebrate christmas three times over so i gotta mask up and pretend to be all girly for the fam
hbu? -
bro same- I have 2 Christmas events today, both of which I have to pretend to be feminine. and for now, school.
I have 3 tests in school. 1 more 2 go. Yayyy
ahhhhhh real
i'm almost done with school <3 -
i don't think i've been excited for christmas, my birthday, or any other event or holiday in years i'm gonna be fully honest
RISE N GRIND GTQ !!!!!!!!!!!
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