Angel Stagnating
Thread Topic: Angel Stagnating
I disassociate sometimes when I'm experiencing something overwhelming, like being at the pool, even though I enjoy it. It all feels unreal and I'm in a daze.
My new meds haven't come in yet. Why not?
They have now.
I'm tired.
I don't want to clean out the fridge.
I'll do it some other day.
It feels too hard right now. -
I feel like trash, I feel like trash, I feel like trash
I don't feel important.
I lowkey feel like crying but it is what it is, right?
I never feel good enough, but it's okay!
If one more thing happens, I feel like I'm going to crash out.
Forget an again. I'm crashing out now.
I hate people.
Why should I even try? Don't they all suck?
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