Angel Stagnating
Thread Topic: Angel Stagnating
Idk what happened.
I don't know how to tell anyone I'm not okay. I don't want to get fired from my job because I keep having to call out or leave.
I really like working and earning my own keep, even if the job setting isn't the best for me.
I think I'm having a mixed episode because I keep feeling depressed, but then I act out of impulse and if I'm high i don't come down until I self-destruct
I'm pretty much not allowed to go to the hospital because i went 3 times in a month last time.
The ER doctors know my face and name, now, and they even get tired of seeing me.
I think reaching out to my therapist is probably the best course of action because literally anything I do makes me want to die right now.
Regardless, I still need to take my meds.
I thought antipsychotics were supposed to help though. Why is it making things worse?
The one I was on before worked nicely, but the tremors. I couldn't take the tremors
I just want to be okay.
I told you I wasn't okay, but somehow that still wasn't good enough.
I got sent home from work. I tried to rest but I'm too anxious. I feel guilty for leaving and doing nothing instead of working.
I don't feel any better than when I woke up.
damn that guilt is real. i’m so bad at going home immediately when offered, knowing i need the hours but the temptation of being at home away from people is really strong. you’re not alone
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