Hatters Moving Castle
Thread Topic: Hatters Moving Castle
Theatre made me feel better lol
Friend 1: guys we have to make our arms straight
Friend 2: unlike alexi. They are not straight
Entire group: dies
Me: guess my middle name it starts with Q
Friend 3: queer
Me: NO
Friend 4: pookie are you excited to floss in front over everyone here
Me: no pookster I am not -
Gloria Groove <333
Yeah guys I’ve been here for 9 years that totally isn’t like more than half of my lifetime
Some of ya’ll are old wowzers
Hell and Heaven are just such interesting concepts
As well as the Medieval doom paintings they're horrific (cough Hell by Giovanni de Modena) but they're so interesting
I'm an atheist btw so I'm already destined to Hell but Dante Alighieri's interpretation of Hell is so interesting
I've gotten into fights with Christians online and a common theme is them saying "Hell isn't bad, just a separation from God" and then we go to medieval beliefs and its like hmmm something isn't adding up
I genuinely wonder if some Christians even read the Bible because uh wrath is a sin so you're going to hell for hating gay people -
Also religious psychosis I want to look into that more because it's horrible but it's so interesting
no but that's real, like- sm christians be kinda twistin the truth i think, and i am one-
Yeah its strange. Plus there's not a clear definition of what a Christian is anymore. Back in the middle ages it was like "fOlLoW tHe ChUrCh AnD tHe BiBlE oR yOuRe NoT a ChRiStiAn" but honestly I think Heaven would be really hard to get into. As humans we are naturally flawed, we're envious, we hate people, and hate is taught its not a choice, so God asking us not to be human which i think is very interesting
technically it should be impossible for us to get into heaven if we had to be perfect, because no humans are perfect and god is the only one who's perfect, but he died for our sins so we would be able to reconnect with him and go to heaven and stuff- but yeah, a lot of ppl tend to change what being a christian really is and stuff, like-
Yeah, its interesting. According to this logic, too, if you get salvation from your sins (from what I understand is getting baptised or repenting) just before you die, you'll be able to get into Heaven, whether or not you're a good person. It's rigged to me but I do think its very interesting
that does sound rigged, wtf?? xD i feel like that's not totally how that works, but yes, you do normally repent and get baptized if you accept the lord into your heart. but it doesn't guarantee you get into heaven, you have to commit to like, staying away from your sin and stuff. and it's definitely hard, bc we're all human and we all fall into temptations- but that does sound so rigged lol
it does sound kind of rigged. and everyone I've seen who's tried to get me too convert has basically delivered the message "God does not love you because your not Christian so your doomed" but becoming a better person through Christianity I totally get, ik not all Christians are like that tho.
goofy ahh grammar
to convert** -
that's definitely not accurate at all lmfaoo
just bc you aren't a christian or choose to not be one or say you don't believe in god or anything doesn't mean the lord doesn't love you, at least that's how i think of it- and same with who you are or the sins you commit, he loves you :)
that's just how i think of it, ofc
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