Hatters Moving Castle
Thread Topic: Hatters Moving Castle
also i'll be back on in 20 more minutes if youre still here and wanna stay up but if not then gnnnnn -
My history teacher today brought up Norse mythology and she told us to name gods in the mythology and I was like “Loki” and the guy behind me was like “ZEUS” SO f---ING CONFIDENTLY and I did a full 180 and had to go like “that’s GREEK” and he was like “okay HERCULES” and I’m so pissed now so I’m like “that’s ROMAN” and the teacher was like “Aphrodite was one-“ MISS GIRL NO
your teacher has failed you
she has omg
I'm genuinely so upset rn wtf does she mean aPhRoDiTe
no fr omg thats gReEk
i thought Freyja was the Norse equivalent of her but nooo -
so uh we did a warm up in english where we had to list the crimes santa has committed to show how the media can make anyone look bad and this is what me and my friend came up with. i censored what i could so mb if these arent like appropriate for gtq >.<
- tax fraud
- child labour
- st*lking (he sees you when youre sleeping)
- breaking and entering
- animal ab*se (reindeers)
- domestic ab*se (making his wife cook??)
- copyright
- being a c*lt leader (we told our english teacher this one and she died (not literally like she laughed))
- derogatory language/verbal ab*se to minors ("ho ho ho")
- bribery
- crossing international borders without proper paperwork
- illegal parking
- speeding
santa is a felon. -
omg he is
woah santa
Exactly omg
Guess who just joined another extracurricular
I get to make props for the musical I’m also performing in -
That's awesome, making props is super fun imo
Fr it’s great, we get to like carve tiles and shi idk lmao
jinx is such a cutie patootie
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