Hatters Moving Castle
Thread Topic: Hatters Moving Castle
Turtles are so underrated
real, honestly-
Frrr I love tortles
and tortoises, they're super cool too u^u
I am the monster rawr rawr rawr
I am goldfish
Fujimoto I love you
Jk Rowling is not sigma. Harry Potter sucks
The world building is so bad oh my god
Not to mention how Harry is literally just one of those annoying jocks like of course he hates the weird goth kids (95% of slytherins aren’t even bad they’re just t h e r e and Rowling made us hate them why) -
If anyone didn’t know yet Mr Beast just proposed to gf in his Mr Beast merch sweatpants in his living room and everyone is like “WTF Mr beast” about it because he’s like rich rich and he didn’t even take her to a park or smth to propose
Didn’t he give his ex a million roses for their anniversary where was that energy
Anyway my box was “Mr Beast controversy” I called it guys -
Idrc so long as they’re happy or whatever but everyone is getting pissed at him so that counts as controversy ok
bro there's so much mr beast controversy- (i say as if i don't watch Beast Games, I'm definitely part of the problem-)
I didn’t think anyone actually cared about mr beast anymore lmao but that’s just probably bc he doesn’t come up on my fyp
my brother is obsessed with him even though he doesn't have youtube, so we've started watching Beast Games together. I know about all the controversy behind that show (very sorry to all the good people that went on that show) but goddamn it the drama-
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