Hatters Moving Castle
Thread Topic: Hatters Moving Castle
Ok I’m emotionally prepared for starting page 41
I feel like I need to make a Jester directory, like an rp directory except with all the major plot points that happen in Jester bc I keep losing track of them lmao
I had to go through so many pages to find a scene Caden was in because I forgot his name -
Phhht lmao just ask me and I can find them
Fair enough lmao
Bro I feel bad for Gen Beta imagine all the jokes there are gonna be omg
Because of the alpha-beta culture they’ll probably be even more bullied than Gen Alpha -
Dude I feel so bad for them the poor guys-
Gen beta is gonna be the most hated culture. I bet we’ll get even more brainrot tho
I hope not dude i can't handle more slang I have a notebook filled with them already
You’ll have to get another notebook we’re cooked-
Please dear god no
You can’t escape jt Legolas
but i want to escape it-
You canttttt
f--- youuuuuu
Ew noooo
..... i didnt mean it like that
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