Hatters Moving Castle
Thread Topic: Hatters Moving Castle
well that's what I thought with murder drones on episode 4, I recommend it it's rlly good. but somehow they did it.
I think just wait and see lol glitch obviously knows what’s going to happen so it’ll probably all make sense once the final episode comes out
If Ragatha abstracts I’m gonna cry omg don’t even make me think about that- -
yeah glitch definitely knows what they're doing, I'm just spitballing what I would do lmaoooo
it'd make sense tho- like I feel like during her episode it'd just show her breaking more and more until babam and then roll credits -
i know I'm kinda pushing this but watching murder drones kinda helps understand how they can do that. I think they just make it shorter for quality and not quantity thank GOD
I hate it when they need to make so many slow boring episodes
Fair enough lmao I’m just gonna wait till the end of the series to talk about improvements
It would but that doesn’t mean I want it to happen- glitch better not see this and get ideas
I might honestly start Murder Drones when I have nothing to watch I’ve heard pretty good things about it but I’ve got a lot on my watch list lmao
Slow boring episodes suck but I like the ones in TADC so far if that’s what you’re talking about like it doesn’t tell you everything it gives you small hints about what can happen and time to process it so there’s sometimes not a lot happening every second but that’s what I like about it lol -
Mmm yummy intro
Eeee my masquerade masks are coming in the mail tomorrowwww
They’re blank template thingos and I think there’ll be 4
I have stickers and buttons too so imma make a Gloria thorn themed one -
Omg slayyyy that's so fun
Hey alexi how do you do bold color?
same way you color text I think bold text testing because i have never done this before
yes but there is a combo you can do bold text with color. ik how to use bbcode just not combos
ok, Idk how to ether. i'll tell you when I find out tho
[b]This is very[/i] bold.
Sorry, i tried with diff. things but still nothing : (
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