Cabin 13
- Locked by Br0wnieBunny on Nov 24, '24 8:15pmReason: thread owner request
Thread Topic: Cabin 13
Or maybe like it could be its own kingdom- like let’s just change the entire earth’s logic of tides and make it so a particular kingdom colonised an old island but they rebelled in the o l d t i m e s WashingtonHamiltonKingGeorge-style so the knowledge of that city just faded so nobody knows it exists uNtIL gay 1 and gay 2 meet because it’s not a whateverwedecidetocallthiscontinent rp if they’re not gae -
YESSSSSSSSSS that's amazing- -
Yasssss I’m in love with this kingdom
Okok I made a mini map thing just then and it was rushed so my handwriting sucks- I made it the jester playlist pic thing bc your rudey patootie laptop doesn’t let postimg work -
Omg I love it slay
Also I hope you know how cold that island is if it's over there xD -
Okok I changed it -
Alg man lmao
Okkkk lol -
We don’t want our badass island to be like the arctic
Yasss -
True true
It could be Cape Cod... -
No clue what that is but it could make sense since I’m like 70% sure it’s connected to the land
Cape Cod is an island in Massachusetts lol
Isn’t Massachusetts a city-
No, it's a state lol
There are too many states in America goddamn it
Okok it can be cape cod then lmao -
You're not the one that had to memorize them when you were 5-
Yayyyy -
W h y would you have to do that tho I didn’t know one of the states in Australia existed until sixth grade-
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