junos moth cavern
Thread Topic: junos moth cavern
worried abt my friends 3:
im not really worried abt myself but f him and everyone who voted for him . ill s--- in your pillowcase tonight if you did
thanksgiving,,,, uurkk im too tired for this
also why do i complain about everything so much on here omg juno stfu . spread joy and positivity not misery broh. Broh.
ouugg i wanna help cook for thanksgiving but i always feel like im just getting in the way so im too afraid to ask all i did was help with cleaning WHY CANT I DO ANYHTING HEREE
i/me/myself is so good dude im gonna s--- my pants
also the way he says c-c-c-c-cover my bones is so fun hfihsdghliugbjabjkvad,k will wood i love you pls dont get abducted by aliens
also he's so fine. sorrywho said that
100th post
my eyes hurt -
ok test do we fw the lemon demon pfp
Incomprehensible. I love it
yap incoming but despite what a miserable point of my life 2021-2022 was i honestly kind of miss it. they were terrible years but i feel like i had less to worry about back then. but also. maybe,,,,... that's because i was an Actual Child and i'm just romanticizing the past and ignoring how ugly it really was.?? like i don't think 2021 was a good year for anyone but there's just something about it i miss and don't know how to get back
i think i just need to go outside. i think that's what i'm missing.. i don't really get out of bed anymore because of how f---ed my sleep schedule is and how tired i am all the time,.. even though i don't do anything. i've been trying to exercise more but i guess i just can't do that quite right either so i just get tired and dizzy. aren't i a little young for this kind of thing??
or perchance (lmao) what i miss from those times are my friends? i had a lot of online friends back then, but reading all of my old conversations with them.. i'm not sure we were really friends. i think a lot of them only put up with me because they didn't want me to feel bad...? which i can understand, i was really weird and unfunny but yk at least they tried to make me feel included LOL
but online friends aside, i actually had made some real friends as well (contrary to popular belief). i had a friend whose mom i met while biking down my road, and i told her about myself n she was like 'o youd love my daughter shes like ur age n stuff' and i dont really remember what happened then, but the next thing i knew i was over at her house showing her all the 'awesome' drawings in my sketchbook, hiding out underneath a weird shed thing to avoid the rain. my awesome drawings were actually terrible, but she seemed to like them i think.
i remember that we'd go on walks through her yard sometimes and just tell each other secrets the whole time. she told me she was secretly the daughter of zeus and that she was also a demigod and i couldn't tell anyone that.. and despite knowing her dad who, if you squinted, was somewhat zeus-adjacent, i believed her and told her i was secretly a vampire werewolf hybrid. or something. i don't know i was a lot of species.
but over time we kind of just drifted apart for no particular reason. we didn't fall out or anything, we just stopped talking one day and that was it. i think the last time we really arranged plans to meet each other was on my 12th birthday, where she stopped by and gave me a couple gifts, including a printed out picture of our snapchat avatars in otter costumes (which i still have on my bulletin board to this day), but we never really did anything together again after that. i have seen her a couple times since then, but they were more like quick visits than anything else.
the last time i saw her was when i was at a cafe, just sitting down at a table and drawing.. but i didn't talk to her or anything. since i was sitting right by the front door, she walked right in front of me, but i didn't notice her because i'm unfortunately not very observant. i only knew she was there because my mom told me it was her, and promptly accused me of ignoring her even though neither of us said anything to each other.
afterwards, i saw her at another shop i went to, and despite wanting to talk to her and try to catch up, i just couldn't bring myself to out of fear. i was worried she wouldn't recognize me, or that maybe i had changed too much since we last saw each other and was now repulsive or whatever, so i just stayed back and tried not to let anyone see who i was in this tiny thrift shop. not one of my proudest moments, but you know what who's gonna read this anyway?? how did i even get this off track either LOL sorry i'm tired and randomly started longing for the past again goodnight/ -
i was gonna continue that but it was getting too out of hand and the beast had to be contained somehow. i'm mopey enough on this thread anyway we do NOTTT need any more of this energy. get out OUTT
i'm really tired but i know i should take a shower before i go to sleep bc i probably smell terrible and my hair is s---....ouuuuuuuugh but im so sleepy tho why does everything have to be a struggle,,
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