Hell0! Nice t0 meet y0u
- Locked due to inactivity on Mar 20, '24 3:54am
Thread Topic: Hell0! Nice t0 meet y0u
Hell0, I 4m T4! Nice t0 meet y0u. I'm l00king f0r inf0rm4ti0n 0n 4 vide0 g4me. I d0n't kn0w it's n4me. It's 4 building g4me where the 0bjective is t0 build up t0wards the sky. Fighting weird m0nsters 4s y0u g0. In 0rder t0 level up. My friends 4nd I, w4nt t0 le4rn its n4me s0 we c4n pl4y it.
Th4nks in 4dv4nce! -
S0me 4ddit0n4l inf0rm4ti0n! The g4me h4s str0ng themes 0f 4censi0n. 0nce y0u c0mplete the g4me, y0u e4rn the "ultim4te rew4rd". I the0rise th4t it refers t0 4 new g4me + m0de.
I'd re4lly appreci4te 4ny inf0rm4ti0n 4t 4ll! Even if it's just 4 rum0ur. My friend f0und this website 4nd 4sked me t0 try 4nd get inf0rm4ti0n fr0m it's userb4se. He thinks 4 l0t 0f y0u here pr0b4bly pl4y m0re g4mes th4n g0ing 0utside!
I think your friend is in my walls
Why w0uld TT be in y0ur w4lls?
Your friend seems to know a lot about my habits, lol. But I don’t think I’ve heard of the game you’re looking for.
Touching grass is boring!!!!
0h! My friend just figured th4t w4s the c4se bec4use he didn't think m0st pe0ple here touch gr4ss! D0 n0t w0rry LN! TT is n0t in y0ur w4lls!!
Th0ugh I 4m curi0us 4s t0 h0w y0ur Tr0lli4nT4g isn't GC4T C0mpli4nt. I've never seen 4 n4me like th4t 0ne.... -
RC! Gr4ss is very imp0rtant!
Grass provides oxygen!!! But I hate the sun!!!!
0h th4ts 4 sh4me...h0w will y0u p4rticip4te in the g4me when I find 0ut?
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