Your daily dose of crazy
- Locked due to inactivity on Mar 3, '25 3:54am
Thread Topic: Your daily dose of crazy
Ok but how does Kinger remember he took 7 years of computer science-
The dArKnEsS
Nah he's either abstracting soon or is gonna be the one to find the exit
Plot twist he's the reason they're all stuck there -
If he abstracts I’m gonna cry istg
Probably lmfao -
He most likely will lmao sORRy
Anygays I really don't like how Elle's transition is treated in Heartstopper
Like, in the books it was ok to not show her dysphoria and feelings bc it's not her story/perspective, but with the TV show I feel like they should've shown her adjusting more
Also you're telling me kds bully Charlie to death for being gay but Elle doesn't get bullied for being trans at all?? Or even Tao getting bullied for dating a trans women?
I mean obviously I'm glad that she's not bullied and is pretty much just having gender euphoria, but idk it just doesn't feel realistic -
Also you're telling me that somewhere in the show there's a teacher in the all boys school that refused to call Elle her preferred name and he NEVER SHOWS UP?
Like, if you're gonna give us that info, s h o w u s -
Not the guy in my coffee shop going "Hey, we're stuck in a purple van drinking coffee and pretending to do our homework, eavesdropping is just a part of the coffee shop culture"
He's my new best friend lowkey -
I still remember that one time me and Miguire were venting and talking s--- about people in the coffee shop a few weeks ago, and there was this man who was sipping his coffee and looking like he was eavesdropping, and then when he finished his coffee we were still venting so he pulled out a freaking COLORING BOOK while we were gossiping xD
He didn't leave until we did, so he was 100% listening to us lmao -
Bro was mad invested, and judging by the fact that he brought a coloring book, I have a feeling that wasn't his first rodeo lmao
Dude the coffee shop I go to is literally just a tiny boxcar type thingy, so everyone's super close to each other, so it's just become the coffee culture to eavesdrop and gossip with everyone -
i've actually done that before when i go to cafes alone 10/10 recommend you hear the wildest s---
IKR dude it gets nuts-
Neopronouns are so chill
Like you're telling me I could be e or fae? That's so cool- -
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