end is nigh
- Locked by The Coldest Sun on May 20, '23 1:38amReason: Intermission
Thread Topic: end is nigh
I'm so hungry but I don't think we have anything so I guess I'm going to bed for dinner lol
the apartment is a mess and it's really stressing me out
I can hear the cats destroying something in the kitchen right now but I feel too defeated to get up and stop them -
I keep telling myself I'll take care of it on my off days but then I go to do it and it's so overwhelming just to look at
honestly I'm struggling lately, I need help -
I don't know how yet but we have got to get on top of things
Just a quick question. Sorry, if I'm barging in.
Is organizing hard for you? -
hey! you're always welcome in my thread, don't even fret dawg
organization is actually second nature for me, and has been my whole life. I've always preferred a neat and clean living and working space. but I moved in with my gf and her sister last year, and her sisters friend recently also moved in. the apartment was a mess when I got there, and it's only been getting worse. the dishes are piling up in the kitchen, the cats just do whatever they want so I regularly find trash and food scattered all over the place, there are bed bugs and carpet beatles, even our bedroom is a wreck. I don't know how I can fix it when I'm the only one trying. it's a lot and I'm really overwhelmed -
stressed but I'm gonna figure this out if it kills me
Oh, that stinks. I'm a stickler for clean and I need to get my room cleaned up. But I find that for me, especially since I have an ADHD thing, it's easier to play music and clean in sections. Like one counter or one part of the room.
I don't really have that option because there's genuinely not an inch of clean space to put things aside
but yeah I feel it
I always kept a clean space until I came here and I get depressed every time I look around now. I hate that.
My dad won't even let me come to his place to see him because of the bed bugs, which is fair, but it makes me ashamed and I really miss him.
I don't think it helps that my gf sleeps through the day and then just kinda
plays around on her phone or wants to watch cartoons instead of being productive the rest of the time. I have a job, and when I come home I'm usually tired and burnt out, but I'm still the only one working on cleaning up the place, so I don't really get to rest. My gf is a pretty messy person and it's starting to rub off on me in the form of me leaving empty water bottles at the bedside for a few days at a time before I throw them away, mail piling up on the mini fridge and whatnot. I don't like how things are going right now in that department. -
Oh, yeah. That makes sense. I need to clean my room. I have the bad habit of throwing stuff down and not taking care of it. It drives me crazy because then I get angry when I can't find stuff. Usually every weekend I try to clean up. It helps if like once a week I can ran stuff up. At least for me.
am shaking
probably just too much coffee on an empty stomach -
bruh I can barely type around the shaking
got something to eat and stopped the shaking đź’Ş
glad u got smth to eat :)
thank you! my boss kindly sacrificed a plate she brought for herself but never ate to the cause
honestly I would die for that woman
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