Mods please ban this madwomen
Thread Topic: Mods please ban this madwomen
[[ I didnt even know it was locked- ]]
She breaks 16 other rules as well:
14: no eating on the forms
16: no pushing/shoving other people in the lounge
27: no taking peoples money
86: no yelling
86b: no shouting
-12: no doing things
-465squaredtimespi🥧 : no not saying dumb things -
46: no calling yourself by your real name
47: no calling yourself by your real name
48: no disobeying the above rules
96: no eating gum -
32: no drinking drinks that are drinks
65: no saying bananas are not perfect
666: no breaking this rule
7564: no breaking the fourth war -
rule 69=reading this rule
Rule 0: no being sus
Punishment… banishment
rule 969= error 404
Tu tiene un and feo jajajajajajajaja
rul3 68=if u out of makeup nuttella wil suffice
31: noo mispeling wards
She broke rule 86: no breading people, in clouding yourself
Man, she jumping in the deep fryer! -
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