Welcome to Antilia.
- Locked by breadgirl69 on Mar 24, '23 5:18amReason: Request
Thread Topic: Welcome to Antilia.
I just a baby...
B and G said I was the best worker the store has had in years. That really meant a lot to me...
You are though. Your work ethic is admirable and more people should be like you.
...I'm sleepy, but I'm also hungry. I wanna fall asleep in your arms. 🥺 -
...But I'm probably gonna play Sonic Frontiers after I eat dinner.
I'm really glad I finished school. No more yucky classes after a long day of work. U.U -
Tooth hurt...
Me: "Kyoya Tategami fan art!"
W-what in the—?
Yay! Kyoya!
Dear Brandan,
Please give me a kiss
The Spider On Your Window 😘 -
I don't know what to make of that...😐 -
Damn spiders...
I has lonely. I want my boo, but he busy...😔
I has big sleepy...
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