Zero Dark Thirty
Thread Topic: Zero Dark Thirty
There we go😍
Mmm. Sephi, you look...
Now that I've succeeded with this profile, maybe I can get the other one to let me change its picture.
Damn. It's not budging.
Oh well. At least I have Sephiroth.
Like, he knew I was going to do that.
Lmao -
O need to do something with a blah-duh-blah, blah, blah.
I'm so cruel. 🤣
And what have we learned today, dear children?
YouTube has some seriously mind-numbing s---. -
I have a very strong urge to go on a Sephiroth drawing spree.
I love how Grandma's quiet for a whole hour and then she just randomly calls down the hall to my aunt about a random question from out of nowhere. 😂
Insomnia. Yay.
*dies from lack of sleep* -
Woke up thinking about a lot more than I wanted to...
I really hope this goes well.
I ate food.
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