The Boy from Nibelheim
Thread Topic: The Boy from Nibelheim
Curious to see the answers on this one.
Maybe I'm hungry. Not sure yet.
I just learned that the poll goes "..." while it's loading. What?
So I've started leaving the soap on my face like a cream. It really helps with the inflammation. If I really want bumps to go down, though, I have to be aggressive and use the soap about 3 or 4 times a day. Leave it on for about 30 minutes at the least.
Oh, i want to tell you guys that I lost 5 pounds since my last doctor's visit.
Reminder that I was concerned because I gained 30 pounds within a month, which was because of my meds.
Since I don't really exercise, having lost 5 pounds is good.
I was about to ask what order, but then I remembered.
I was very present in IOP tonight. The therapists validated that. I felt special. Usually, I'm too dissociated to even speak.
I'm surprised it's even ate dinner since I ate lunch at 4.
I wish I didn't have to exist for work tomorrow. I just want to time skip to the fun part where it's the weekend.
Man, what was that dream?
So anyways, I'm not looking forward to work today. Ain't something I really wanna do.
That profile is going to take forever to not be newbie.
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