I was once asked if I was the president
Thread Topic: I was once asked if I was the president
I said to respond by saying that I'm Benjamin Franklin and since that unfortunate day I've lost countless hours of sleep due to reliving it in my head over and over
I am ashamed and I can never live it down
I'm sorry to those of you who had to read it too I regret my choice of words every day -
Hi Benjamin Franklin
I still can't believe you let me say it
Ur words not mine
Yes but you could have said something I had to go in hiding bc of the shame
If you feel deep inside that you are Benjamin Franklin, who am I to stop u
Live ur dream Benjamin Franklin -
No being Benjamin Franklin scarred me I only want to be me now
Or like Dio -
Both r gud options I wanna be Dio too
B u tho -
But anyways Dio is way hotter so like I'm tryna Captain Ginyu him
Change ur profile pic 🤢
U change ur profile pic u edge lord
Okay says the guy who had Guts just before
No this isn't about me this is about you shhhhhh
Ur not innocent here either tho ):
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