The Rose Garden
Thread Topic: The Rose Garden
Okay so I know this is eight days late BUT
Time to check Q 👌 -
June's notes
They may be blurry on the first page, but you can click them individually to read them. Happy Valentine's day 💘 -
Luigi loves lollipops
That was the scariest call I’ve ever been on. My grandmother sounded so panicked. It’s times like this that I wish my voice never sounded like my mother.
It’s times like this where you know their going to die, but you’re just waiting. I hate it when I get this sinking feeling, because it’s always right.
I don’t think I’m ready to lose another grandparent yet. No, I’ll never be ready. I don’t know what f---ing happened. My dad left his phone inside and my grandma called, so I picked it up and she was panicking about how my grandfather just got admitted to the hospital and 911 was there and everything and I just-
A part of me wishes I didn’t pick up the phone, but that is a selfish part of me. -
I knew something was wrong when my grandfather passed out twice in a single day. What the f--- happened. Why the f--- did his happen.
Even though my parents said not to panic, I’m pretty sure I know how this night will end.
And I’m not thrilled about it. -
But that’s fine. He won’t die. No, he can’t die. There’s no way he’ll die, even if the feeling that he will is there, it can’t happen.
I don’t know what happened. All my grandmother said was that 911 was there and s---. She didn’t say if he collapsed or not, which I’m sure he did with all the passing out that’s been going on.
No. I don’t want it to happen. I don’t want what could happen to happen.
The more and more I type the more and more I freak out, but I can’t freak out. I don’t want my little sister to freak out as well.
I feel bad for my cousins. They live in Texas, which is far away from here. Practically across the united stated from where we are. They won’t know what to do. They won’t be able to just drive on over here.
I should probably call my cousin and make sure he’s okay. -
No. If my aunt tells my younger cousin about it right away then he’ll need time to process that our grandfather is in the emergency room. But I also want to make sure he’s okay as well as everyone else.
I need to stop being negative. You speak negative, you create negative. And I don’t want the worst to happen.
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