Dragon's Lair
- Locked by breadgirl69 on Mar 4, '22 6:10pmReason: Request
Thread Topic: Dragon's Lair
SpIce I sAw YoUr NeW rP iDeA aNd I dEaRlY wAnT tO dO iT bUt We AlrEaDy hAve 10 Rps
If we ever meet irl, I'll probably tell u lol
Why not online????
I literally thought of you when writing it down lmmo XD
because -
Spice, you left the roleplay..?
I didn't??
You have not answered but once? /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\//\/\
BeCaUsE wHy?! -
Because Gray has nothing to do and I answered twice ā
bEcAuSe I sAiD sO -
You are going to be the end of me
Good night
Good night, Tat.
G'night Tater Tot Banana <3
My feet are cold
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