Polls to Please My Curiosity 2.0
Thread Topic: Polls to Please My Curiosity 2.0
I will try to come up with a poll every few days.
If you want to share a poll for discussion, you can share one here. But if you just want people to take your poll, please post in the Poll Advertisement thread! -
I need to pee
go pee lol
Hold it
Yes, without pettiness, we wouldn't have Netflix.
i almost choked from laughter
But in all seriousness, I have the right to be angry when you talk over me. That s---s annoying
I think, personally- occasionally it’s ok. Especially if you have the right to be.
I think its okay, if a person just isn't listening and is oblivious to your feelings, then being a lil petty is okay.
However, when you start to constantly do it, just to hurt them, then the intentions changed and you're in the wrong. -
No bc I'm lazy lol
Ima scream Jumanji
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